SSFR Online seminar with Rebecca Rouse (Högskolan i Skövde)

Svenska spelforskarrådet
Svenska spelforskarrådet
2 minuters läsning

When: Thursday December 19, 11.00

What: Disciplining Games: lecture and conversation reflecting on the form and function of our field




Disciplining Games: lecture and conversation reflecting on the form and function of our field 


Lecture abstract

This lecture will summarise the contribution from the recently published article, “Disciplining Games” (2024 – Game Studies – volume 24 issue 1; ), co-authored by James Malazita, Rebecca Rouse, and Gillian Smith, and open discussion on the topic.  The article investigates how games research is constructed and enacted as a discipline, or anti-discipline, in contemporary culture and academia. A counter-reading of interdisciplinarity is offered, highlighting its ambivalence for the field. Suggestions are put forth regarding possible futures for the field as Games continues to go through a process of institutionalisation. 


Short bio

Rebecca Rouse, Phd is an Associate Professor in Media Arts, Aesthetics & Narration and co-director of PlayLab in the Division of Game Development at University of Skövde, Sweden. Her research focuses on investigating new forms of storytelling with new technologies such as immersive and responsive systems. Rouse’s applied design and artistic research is complemented by work in critical pedagogies, design methods, and history of technology.

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