The organization Council of Swedish Games Researchers (SSFR) is an interest organization that works to highlight and strengthen Swedish game research. The organization was formed in August 2022 and is open to researchers operating in Sweden.

The Council of Swedish Games Researchers (SSFR) is an association of game researchers active in Sweden who collaborate and share knowledge to strengthen game research. Membership is organized in a non-profit association and is individual for each researcher. At the formal launch in January 2023, the number of members amounted to 37 researchers representing a total of fourteen different actors, both educational institutions and other organizations.

The organization’s members come from the following actors:

Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Research Institutes of Sweden
Göteborgs Universitet Science Park Skövde
Högskolan i Skövde Stockholms Universitet
Kungliga Musikhögskolan Södertörns Högskola
Luleå Tekniska Universitet Umeå universitet
Lunds Universitet Uppsala Universitet
Malmö Universitet Högskolan i Väst Linköpings Universitet

Contact Form

To get in touch with us, please fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Media inquires

For urgent media inquiries, please contact the association’s chairman, Per Backlund, 0500-448346, or secretary, Björn Flintberg, 010-5165655.